Do you love to have reminders for yourself? I can't survive if I don't have daily reminders, and teaching is no exception. When I am teaching, I need a timer to go off, a sticky note on my desk, or an IM to pop up on my computer to keep me on track. Am I alone in this, or do I hear an amen?
I remember my first year of teaching. I had all these stellar ideas that I wanted to try with my new little class. The problem was, I forgot to use half of them, because I don't remember a darn thing! Then I realized that I wasn't alone in this. No, no. My dear students "forgot" how to do things all the time. For instance, do you have that one kid in your class that can't remember to write his name on his paper? Ever? Me, too. Do you have that little girl in your class that can't seem to remember how to line up at the door? I mean, you've practiced it daily for months, but kids forget things, right? How about the kid who slops things together in two seconds so he can get to that Fast Finisher bin? How about that one in your class that can't remember to take a deep breath when they don't understand something right away? Sound familiar? I figured it did.
To help with all of these little issues that pop up in every regular classroom, I made some posters. As much as I like to pretend that this kind of thing is for the students, I must admit that it is just as helpful for me. I need to remember that some kids just can't remember to write their frigging name on the top of a paper, and that it isn't the end of the world. I need to remember that some kids just need a constant reminder for how we line up. I also really need to remember that sometimes I need to take a deep breath when I've taught the same concept a bajillion times, and that one cute little squish just doesn't seem to get it--yet.
You can check out these posters HERE.
Again, check these out at my store HERE.
Teach a kid, give someone a hug, and have a wonderful day!
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