Tuesday, September 4, 2018

My Favorite Classroom Reward System

Do you prefer to be positive with your students?  Do you sometimes struggle with the card-pulling systems, or the "three strikes, you're out!" systems?  I know I did.  I never had any kind of negative consequence system in my classroom.  I was fond of "let the punishment fit the crime" for my students.  I think every kid is different, and they each needed to be handled a little uniquely when they misbehaved.  However, I LOVE to be positive with students.  I think it is way more fun to motivate them to behave well rather than scare them to be good.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes you just have to give a kid a look that will scare the pants right off of them, but I generally prefer to be positive.


I have used this system for six years in the classroom, and it is by far the best thing I have used for an overall reward system.  And guess what?  It is easy!  Don't you just love the easy things?  Me, too!  I finally decided that it was about time I shared this idea I had years and years ago.  Want me to make it even better?  Your wish is my command!  This is a FREEBIE!!

All you need to do is print the Behavior Bucks and print them on green paper.  You can do white (or another color) but I recommend green.  There is something about green play money that makes kids go crazy.  They eat this stuff up.  Once you've printed these bad boys, use that nice and gigantic paper slicer in your school--watch those fingers!--to cut them up.  You can use scissors too, but who has time for that?

Next step, get a bank.  I used a yellow plastic bin last year.  I've also used a box with a hole in the top.  You can honestly use whatever you want.  Just make sure your littles know where and what the bank is.

I keep my behavior bucks in a little basket on my desk.  I like to have them easily on hand, and out where I can see them so I remember to hand them out.  Anytime I caught a student doing something that I liked, I handed them a Behavior Buck.  They write their name on the line, and take that money to the bank.  At the end of the day, I pulled a few names out of the bank.  Sometimes I pulled out one name, and other days I pulled out like ten.  It is totally flexible!  Winners got to pick out of the treasure box.  I've also done other prizes in the past (extra recess, free assignment, Play Doh with a friend...you get the idea) but I think the treasure box does the trick for kindergarteners.

Are you ready for the freebie now?  Good.  You can go here to get your freebie.

Teach a kid, give someone a hug, and have a wonderful day!

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