Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Handwriting Packet

Do you ever feel like handwriting is a lost art form?  I feel like some kids come into my class and they barely know how to hold a pencil correctly.  They can run an iPad or and iPhone better than any adult around, but they can't write their name legibly.  I know with the pressures on our students today to perform better than the class before, it seems hard to fit in things like handwriting.  My school pushed a new online program so hard last year, I barely felt like I was keeping my head above with water with things like handwriting.  Since when did we sweep that whole concept under the rug?  I mean, I know we need our kids to know how to add and subtract, but don't they also need to know how to write the numbers?  Write them so I have some clue as to their actual understanding of addition?  Can I get an amen?!

This program is simple.  It gives the students a chance to practice upper and lowercase letters on the same sheet.  It comes with full sized and half sized sheets.  I decided that half sheets are the way to go.  Sometimes I just don't have time in the day to get it all done.  Other times I have that spare 5 minutes before recess, and I don't want to waste it.  Some kids just get overwhelmed by full sheets.  This programs fits the bill.  You can use the full sheet for those advanced kids that cruise through everything in seconds.  You can use half sheets when you only have a few minutes.  You can do full sheets as you introduce the letters, and then half sheets as a review.  The possibilities are fairly vast.  You can do what works for you.

I also have my advanced students turn their paper over when they are finished and draw 5 pictures of things that begin with the letter we studied.  This works well as a motivator, too.  Some kids just really want to draw.  If they know they can draw after they finish their handwriting nicely, then they are more likely to finish instead of chat the day away.

You can go here to get this program.  I have you like it as much as I do!

Teach a kid, give someone a hug, and have a wonderful day.

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