Don't you just love Dr. Seuss? I have read plenty of books for children over the years, and Dr. Seuss still seems to be a favorite. A few years ago, Mrs. Rounds and I were trying to decide what we wanted to do in our classroom. She came up with Dr. Seuss as a theme, and I went CRAZY with it. I spent hours on Pinterest looking for some cute ideas, and I found a few, but I decided I couldn't find anything that was good enough, big enough, or exciting enough. I wanted our students to walk into the room and be blown away. I didn't want anyone to wonder what our classroom theme might be. It needed to be known the moment people walked into the room.
So how did I solve this little problem? Well, first of all, I went and got some poster board. Lots of bright and cheerful poster board. I would look up a Dr. Seuss character online or in a book, and I would do my best to draw that same character onto the poster board. Some characters were drawn on two or three poster boards that I later taped together. For real, who doesn't love a six-foot Cat in the Hat in the classroom? Here are some pictures of the things I made for our room.
Horton was a bit tricky. Most of the Dr. Seuss characters were simple to do with poster board, because they are each mainly on color. Horton is gray. Did you know that gray is not a readily available color in poster board? I had to do this guy on white poster board, and then I found some oil pastels in the closet that I used for his body and outline. I used a giant pom-pom for the speck.
Lora teacher desk! This was so flipping simple. Anyone could make this. If I could make it, you can make it. I recommend running your poster board through the laminator before you use them. Kids are gross, and they can make things in the room super gross. If you laminate, you can just use a cleaning wipe to clear off any goodies the kids leave behind.
This is my daughter (3rd grade) next to our Cat in the Hat. He is a pretty tall guy. The kids loved standing next to him. We had one in the hall with a welcome sign, and this one in the room. So fun for the kidlets.
I made about 12 of these fish, and we hung them from the ceiling using fish line. It was great to create that 'suspended in air' feeling. Again, the kids thought it was grand having the fish "swimming" above them.
Do you love Target? Do you LOVE the dollar bins? I frigging love those sweet little bins. Guess what? They had weeks and weeks of Dr. Seuss stuff. I was able to get some bags for a dollar each. I cut them up and stapled them to some canvas I had lying around. This is how it turned out.
This is our birthday board. Each balloon has a month, and the corresponding birthdays written on it.
This is our reading corner. I could type all day long about reading. I have a serious passion for reading. I love to read. I read a few books a week. You can usually find me in my bed reading until the wee hours of the morning. I just can't help myself. Reading is magical. I desperately want kids everywhere to know that reading can be magical for them, too. But you know what? Reading is hard for lots of kids. I wanted to make reading as much fun as I possibly could for those kinds of students. I wanted them to still have a positive relationship with literature, even if reading is frustrating and difficult.
This is our reading corner. Mrs. Rounds came up with the idea to make the trees from the Lorax. We used pool noodles (um, go to the Dollar Store. The Dollar Store is a palace filled with things like cheap pool noodles!) and tissue paper to make these. They turned out so cute. We have them all over the room.
This is where I have my writing station. The Sneetches were featured in this part of the room. I did this to remind the kids to be kind to one another while working at the stations. No one wants a star-bellied Sneetch sitting next to them!
The Grinch was stuck up in the highest corner of the room. He looked down on the kids. I used to tell them that he was hoping to catch them doing something naughty, so he could ruin their Christmas. The kids got a huge kick out of that.
Some of my projects required a bit more than poster paper and a laminator. These next two items required the thrift store and some paint. I got this small table for 3 bucks, and I already had a ton of paint at home. I printed the quote on the table onto a piece of paper that I used ModPodge to attach to the table. Just make sure you use some kind of sealant over the top if you do this.
I love sitting in this chair. How can you not smile at polka dots and stripes? And I'll tell you what, my students will do just about anything if it means they get to sit in this chair for a moment. They love it. I painted the chair with a bunch of colors and patterns, and when I was all done I used a black sharpie to go around the circles and stripes. It added some dimension, and made the colors pop.
Mrs. Rounds and I have enjoyed having this creative classroom. It has made it fun for the kids, and parents are always impressed with our mad skills. I hope you found a few ideas that you like. Thanks for reading!
Teach a kid, give someone a hug, and have a wonderful day!