Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Easy Kindergarten Homework

I am going to be honest, I don't like homework.  I don't like doing it with my kids as a mom, and I don't like sending it home as a teacher.  I feel like kids need to be KIDS.  They spend as much time at school as adults do at work for crying out loud!  Do you want to keep working when you get home from work?  Me either!

I was looking at my class DIBELS scores, and I felt they were a little lower than I would like.  Then it hit me: less homework AND better test scores.  How do I do that, you wonder?  Well, wonder no more!  I create a homework packet that covers the E-N-T-I-R-E year.  Yep, that's right.  All you have to do is print out this beauty, and your homework is covered for the entire year.  Want me to sugar coat that for you?  Sure thing!  The homework goes over the specific skills used in the DIBELS reading test.  Parents can do homework in ONE MINUTE with their little guys.  Ah, the children can be allowed to be children when they return home.  What a concept!
 We start out with Letter Naming Fluency--very important for the beginning-of-year skill set.
 Next, we move into Letter Sound Fluency.  This is such a foundational skill.  Our next month works on First Sound Fluency.

 Now we move into Segmenting.  This skill is great for reading and spelling.  I have found that when my students have figured out how to segment, their reading and writing takes off.  The next month also uses segmenting skills for CVC words.
 Want more practice on those High Frequency Words?  Yep, it's covered.
 Once students have figured our High Frequency Words and the Phoneme Segmentation, they can begin to read.  I mean to really read.  So, we naturally introduce reading simple words to make a sentence.
Now we go into Timed Reading Fluency.  I am not a huge fan of timing kids, but in the testing world, timing kids is the big thing.  (Insert barf here!)  This gives kids the practice of fluency, and helps them to get used to being timed.  I don't focus too much on how quickly they read, but look at this month as practice for the kids.

Does this packet make you want to scream and dance?  Me, too!  You can go HERE to get your copy.  Happy home-working!

Teach a kid, give someone a hug, and have a wonderful day!

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